8x8 Mercedes Benz & Tatra truck show, Truck trial | Oberottendorf

8x8 Mercedes Benz & Tatra truck show, Truck trial | Oberottendorf

8x8 Mercedes Benz & Tatra Truck show, Truck trial. Oberottendorf, Germany 2018 Like Our videos! Support our channel with your views and subscribe. About us: We're K4 Movies a YouTube channel, that films Off-Road Trucks, Truck trials, Off-Road vehicles, Machinery and People, and other sport events and we're reflecting them in our channel for people to see it all around the world. Subscribe for more videos to come : http://www.youtube.com/c/K4Movies Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/k4movies Hashtags: #K4Movies #OffRoad #TruckTrial


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